Impossible Becomes Possible

We exist because of one simple goal - to provide the best available care and rehabilitation for survivors of brain injury.

Common Brain Injury Diagnoses We Treat

Brain Injuries Are Unpredictable, Your Recovery Doesn’t Have To Be.
Network of Programs to Support you on your recovery journey


Occurs when there's a ruptured blood vessel in the brain or blood supply to the brain has been blocked.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

An alteration in brain function, or other evidence of brain pathology, caused by an external force.

Complex Concussion

Caused by a hit to the body or a blow or jolt to the head or that forces the brain to move rapidly back and forth.


Insufficient oxygen to the brain which causes damage.

Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI)

Damage to the brain by internal factors, such as a lack of oxygen, exposure to toxins, pressure from a tumor, etc.


The result of a weakened artery wall in the brain that can bulge and may rupture and bleed.

Our Mission

What really matters is why we exist. We exist because we wanted to create a program with one simple goal - to provide the best available care and rehabilitation for survivors of brain injury. To achieve this goal we offer a superior person-centered experience and do everything we can to help people achieve results / goals for their recovery and life.

Our vision is to eliminate isolation and foster hope through meaningful, purposeful and enjoyable programs. And we are mission-driven to provide the best available care and rehab!

We believe that each person will tell the story of what they overcame and go through to live their best life. And that this story will be someone else's survival guide. Every day is not going to be perfect but we make every day have a purpose, be worth getting up for, and be as enjoyable as possible.

Comprehensive Outpatient Rehab Program

People needing comprehensive rehab have access to our expert, coordinated and collaborative team. Each care plan is customized, so every person receives the right frequency and intensity to fuel their recovery journey.

What to expect:

  • One-stop, all of your specialists in one location.
  • Personalized plan of care; PT, OT, SLP, Psych, Physiatry (Rehab Med) working together.
  • Goal-directed
  • Customized rehab scheduled, up to 30hrs per week
  • Supportive Environment
  • Functional independence and quality of life
  • Return-to-work
  • Lifestyle Medicine
Program Details

Post-Concussion Bootcamp

People experiencing persistent post-concussion symptoms need help from specialists, like the BRN team. Because there is no one treatment for post-concussive symptoms many patients and doctors feel stuck and get frustrated. While the severity of symptoms varies by person, each person needs expert, coordinated care to make progress in recovery.

What to expect:

  • Experts in one location; PT, OT, SLP, Psych, Physiatry (Rehab Med) working together.
  • Customized treatment program
  • Mental health supports
  • Emphasis on solution-focused interventions
Program Details

Residential Program

Delivering specifically-tailored home and community supports in our apartment complex. Some people call our residential program “home” for short periods of time while others choose to live their best life in our long-term supported housing option. Regardless of how long a person lives in this program, each person receives a specifically tailored plan of care.

What to expect:

  • Professional support available around the clock (24/7)
  • Maximize functional independence
  • Facilitating participation with ADL’s and IADL’s (shopping, meals, budgeting, medication / medical case management, etc)
  • Recreation and quality of life
  • Community activities, volunteering and return-to-work assistance
  • Lifestyle medicine
Program Details

Home and Community Support Program

Supporting people to achieve and maintain the highest level of independence via strategies for success in the home and community environment.

What to expect:

  • Establishing structure and routine
  • Ensuring wellness is maintained through follow-up medical appointments, managing medications as prescribed, and living a healthy lifestyle
  • Lending a hand with essential day-to-day living skills (e.g., meal prep, cleaning, money management)
  • Providing oversight to identify changes over time and prevent decline
  • Lifestyle Medicine
Program Details


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Our Patients &
Family Experiences

“BRN Residential Program takes a collaborative approach in the care of their clients and place a strong emphasis on the autonomy of the individual balanced with the right amount of support. BRN staff is mindful, intuitive, and empower client-directed goals on a daily basis. The partnership between BRN and the community at-large has been very special to me. BRN cultures an environment where the client, staff, and community members have the opportunity to learn from each other –this growth and change is cyclic, ultimately benefiting the client and furthering their independence and quality of life.”

K. Heart – Family Member

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